These five roof tiles come from a Christian monastery or, more precisely: a Cistercian monastery . During a vacation with my parents in Bad Herrenalb (Black Forest) – I was still a child -, we passed […]

These five roof tiles come from a Christian monastery or, more precisely: a Cistercian monastery . During a vacation with my parents in Bad Herrenalb (Black Forest) – I was still a child -, we passed […]
The Trial I, The Trial II, The Trial III […]
This drawing was created at the end of March of 2017. Since the diagnosis in 2015, my wife passed away in a slow, painful, and excruciating way. This process of dying went on until […]
Originally, I created the black-and-white caricature for a T-Shirt print in 2007. Now, in 2020, I added color and embedded it into a collage. It’s about the idea of living a vegetarian life. Humankind is […]
Inspired by B., I created this painting as a tribute to a fascinating friend, involved in the field of religion, gender, and queer studies, whom I was lucky enough to meet at a conference years […]
Humanity thinks about itself being the crown of creation, the “homo sapiens”. This hybris led to destruction, abuse, and exploitation of the earth. Especially the amount of trash makes it look like there would be […]
As ‘A Dutiful Daughter’ (see Simone de Beauvoir: Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, 1958) I had to learn the piano. But what really fascinated me was the saxophone. During my first Semester at Uni (in Tübingen, […]
I created this work after seeing a fascinating documentary about sharks. They are considered monsters in several horror films. Many sharks are killed by humans, often under the excuse that it’s for scientific purposes or […]
Despite Trump’s electoral defeat (as ‘predicted’ by the fly) democracy isn’t like it was before. The stars on the flag seem to be gone. The President is not accepting the election result […]
This work is inspired by Star Trek Discovery. Lt. Michael Burnham, chief officer of Starship Discovery, meets the “Red Angel”. Time-traveling from the future, the Red Angel causes and influences particular events. As we shall […]
The most important thing for Swabians is to keep everything clean. There’s this thing called “Kehrwoche”. It describes a time period where people have specific duties such as cleaning shared areas like sidewalks. Then, there’s […]