Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo

Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo, founder of Sakyadhita, International Association of Buddhist Women, the “Daughters of Buddha”

Both pictures (see the other one) were created after the Sakyadhita Conference in Hong-Kong in 2017. Originally, I didn’t want to leave my deathly ill wife – not even for just a couple of days – but she insisted that I go there.

I prepared everything for all possible emergencies and flew to Hong-Kong.

When I came back home after a few days, she was still alive, as promised. On her sickbed, she listened to what I told her.

She remembered the Tibetian names of the two ordained women, which were hard to pronounce. These were the only words she still spoke. 

Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo is a professor em. in religious studies at the University of Hawaii. She’s American, an ordained nun in Tibetian Buddhism, and has published various books on her subject. Tenzin Palmo is an ordained nun in Tibetian Buddhism, too. She is known i. a. through Vicki Mackenzie’s book “Cave in the Snow”, which is about Tenzin Palmo’s 12-Year-Retreat.

2017, Colored Pencil on Paper, 25×35 cm

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