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Boobs, Waves, Blockages, Walls

Sometimes the water is as soft and delicate as female boobs and bathing in the waves is relaxing and stimulating, like a hug, an arousing pleasure. But on the other hand, the water has a […]

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World in Shards

The picture is inspired by the Japanese art of kintsugi, in which ceramic or porcelain shards are glued together with urushi lacquer and gold powder to restore broken tea bowls, for example. The aesthetic principle […]

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This image of a lion was inspired by an example of a movement in Qigong, where the idea is that a cup is taken from a shelf. Normally, a person would stretch out their arm […]

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All these Boxes

The inspiration was to create a self-portrait in a colorful and therefore eye-catching suit that I like to wear. At the same time, all the thoughts or assumptions that I encounter from other people who […]

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The Matriarch

As a science fiction and fantasy fan, this picture came to life. Through conversations about cosplay and RPG, etc., I remembered a scene from “Star Trek, Deep Space Nine” where the matriarch of Betazed, Lwaxana […]

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The Fairy and the Dwarf 

Inspired by conversations with an acquaintance about cosplay and RPG, fantasy and related music, inspired by her force, charisma, clothes and attitude, this picture was created.The fairy and her magical powers can make any wish […]

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The Power of They, X: Mountain Meditation

see Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, YouTube The image is inspired by surrealism, cubism and expressionism.The Mountain Meditation offers the opportunity to find peace not only by contemplating or imagining a mountain, but also by visualizing oneself […]

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The Power of They, IX: Doing Drag

It is difficult to capture the different facets that appear as a result of the constant changes. Playing with gender roles, cross dressing, drag, all this is part of the process of finding your own […]