The world is colorful. The world is diverse. This planet would not exist without diversity. And regardless of whether we are talking about the environment, nature, plants, fungi, animals or humans, we are not clones. We are diverse, but equal.
No matter where we come from, what skin color we have, what sexuality, or what gender, we are colorful. And all people deserve the same human rights.
The picture was first created as a play with geometric shapes, spheres, with complementary colors, almost like a big bang. And just as a world without this big bang, without this firework of energy, of diversity, would only be grey and boring without all the colors of the rainbow, a world without diversity is not worth striving for, as we can only develop further if we remain open and curious in our lives, our life plans and our thinking.
That’s why all the faces of people in different facets were added. We are all human beings. That is why human rights are indivisible.
2025, acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm