Wall Painting: Rainbow

The rainbow has many meanings.

This meteorological phenomenon has fascinated humans everywhere on earth since early times and is caused by the refraction of sunlight in raindrops.

The rainbow symbolizes the divine covenant between God and humans in Mesopotamia and the Judeo-Christian tradition (1. Moses, 9, 12, 13). Other religions acknowledge the rainbow as well: it’s known as a path to divinities in India, Japan, the ancient pantheon of Greece, and nordic divinities, to name a few.

In Buddhism, the rainbow symbolizes the highest state. It can be reached in Samsara, just before entering the pure light of Nirvana. See Mircea Eliade (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion Volume 11 & 12, Macmillan Library New York USA, 1995 12, p.204.

The rainbow is also a popular theme in landscape paintings (e. g. Caspar David Friedrich), photography, and music (Rolling Stones and others).

For the LGBTQQIA+ – or Queer-Movement, the rainbow signifies freedom, tolerance, and equal rights. For the international peace movement, the rainbow is the symbol of choice, too.

Throughout the pandemic, the rainbow was recalled as a symbol of hope that there will be a life after the pandemic. The rainbow can now be seen in preschools and schools.